How to Talk to A Widower by Jonathan Trooper is a story of a widower Doug Parker, who wallows in self-pity after he loses his wife, Hailey. He tries to get back to his normal life with the help of his elder sister who is pregnant. The family like all of Trooper’s families is dysfunctional and consists of a demented father, a mother, and a younger sister. They all come together for the younger sister’s wedding.
The narrative style of writing is succinct. It is witty and sarcastic. All his characters are very interesting and real. The equation among the family members is interesting to note. The story line is eventful and it won’t let you put the book down. The writing was tight and the pace was just right-neither too slow nor too rushed. The family dinner scenes were my favorite scenes to read.
The setting of the book felt strikingly similar to his another novel (This is Where I leave you) that I had read before. I was constantly drawing parallels between the characters.
In a nutshell, pick up this book if you want to read something light and funny.
Leaving you with my favorite quote :
It’s life, that’s all. There are no happy endings, just happy days, happy moments.
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